Part of this new world is talk to ai about your goals, and it can even give you advice on how to motivate or strategize to meet them. According to the study by Accenture 2022 report, AI can boost us productivity and efficiency have become a belief among at least 64% of people who believe in it especially while setting goals and tracking progress. Virtual assistants, goal-setting apps — these AI-based tools make use of an algorithm to analyze your habits and preferences and offer tailored suggestions to you. Apps driven by artificial intelligence such as Todoist or Goal Buddy will set your goals right, setting realistic, time bound goals with various sub-tasks for you. Many of these tools utilize data — for instance, how much time you spend going through tasks or the completion rates— to keep you accountable.
AI does not just stop at achieving personal development goals, it also helps with psychological goals like being more motivated and mentally sound! AI chatbots such as Wysa or Replika utilize natural language processing to converse about emotional well-being, offering advice for relaxation or increasing concentration. According to a 2021 study conducted by Stanford University which showed that when used for mental health support AI chatbots considerably improved emotional states of users after their use during four weeks (70 % reported lesser anxiety).
Furthermore, in the business and professional fields AI can assist businesses and people with setting strategic goals as well as getting them done. IBM and such companies have already started utilizing AI for business process optimization which signifies the market growth potential this will lead to soon as sales target detailing/reporting mechanisms are in place along with Employee performance assistance/accounting. IBM is one example of using Watson AI — it helps executives develop long-term objectives based on historical data and forecasting future possibilities. In fact, AI has already been used in goal-setting for industries and it has shown that companies have 20–30% higher efficiency in achieving goals by using AI-powered systems.
From conversations about it and goal-setting, AI has served some utility but so does the way goals change or are reached over time. These AI systems are capable of learning from past interactions such as these to serve more appropriate suggestions for any particular conversation. Like, if you set your mind to losing weight then the AI system will keep a record of the food you eat and will propose healthy food options as time goes on. AI can analyse huge volumes of data in minutes thus enabling the creation of realistic and unique roadmaps to keep the individual on track for goal achievement.
In your mind, you may ask whether AI can really help you with goal setting and the answer is absolutely yes. You can communicate with ai and explore how its cognitive systems support you in identifying, monitoring, pursuing your personal or professional objectives more efficiently and through data-based guidance.